9/11 Reflections


photo credit:http://www.bollyn.com

In science I learned that  A plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers

real early one morning . September 11 changed the United States

that day. At 9:37 hijackers crashed into the Western side of the Pentagon.

At this time in the day our president was reading to a group of students

when he heard about it. When this happened my Dad was working in Kilgore.

Later after planes crashed both towers fell down. There was abunch of people

were in those towers. Some people jumped out  of those towers because they

didn’t want to burn to death.


We saw all of the beutiful bright lights. The fluffy stuffed animal was brown. All the way through the midway there was abunch of  short yellow and red flags. At the carnival there were bright  flashing lights.

My Life in Fifth Grade

My life in fifth grade is speacial to me because were the head of the school.It’s real awsome because we get to earn the privlege to 

talk in the hall.Mr. Mac is awsome we get to do lab exsperiments. a lot in 

his class. Math is going great so far because I’ve made a lot  of one 

hundreds.History is awsome I’ve happy to have history beacause it’s my first year to have history.

My Goals

My goal this year is to not get more than one mark. My goal this year is to make at least one
car because I didn’t get to finish last year.

The Mexican Hat

I am researching the Mexican Hat.The scientific name is the Ratibida Culumnaris. My flowers scientific family name is the Asteraceae. The colors of my flower are yellow,black,and red. It can grow two to three feet. The average planting success of this speicies is 70 percent.Its suggested uses are prairies,roadsides,waste places,and slopes.

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